Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Giving and receiving

My receiver is broken.  Oh,I don't mean the one made of wires and plastic.  I mean the one inside of me. I have discovered( more like God revealed) that I have a really hard time graciously and truly receiving gifts. Oh, I can be thankful for things. I can write a thank you note for just about anything--even if I have already thrown the darn thing away. But that is nowhere close to receiving  the gift.

One who really and truly receives allows the giver the pleasure-- the joy of giving. If I don't receive things really and truly; if I don't let them into my being then I am denying  my gift giver this blessing.( Am I really hoarding this  to myself? )

The other thing I had my eyes opened to ..this's a matter of pride. Ah pride...My most common nemesis.  And here,  the Lord lovingly shows me  this in very clear terms. Not receiving gifts into my heart, into my life, means I think that I am too good for the gift, telling the giver that its a shabby worthless gift and shuts them out.... Perhaps even to rejecting the Son of God, for scripture says,"He came to his own, and His own did not receive Him.  But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God." John 1:11&12

I don't want to be like that. So I have some learning to do. When God shows me something it means that He is planning to work on it.  Yesterday I didn't know that I had a broken receiver, but today I do and that changes things already. 

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