Saturday, November 22, 2008


I read a meditation the other day about balancing my life and it set off some alarms in me. So I have been thinking about it. Does God really want me to balance my life? And what is balance? What does it mean to be balanced?Is life a balancing act?

I think we often feel like we need to balance things in our lives. But why? If I am balancing something I want it steady. This means that being balanced is static, unmoving and unchanging. I hope and believe that God is at work in me, conforming me more and more to the image of Jesus. I don't want to be balanced in this. I want to end up with Jesus fully formed in me and my flesh, my rebellion fully crucified with Him. I don't think God wants me to be balanced if it means doing things half His way and half my way. Does it mean standing for the truth only half of the time? When I think of it like this I don't see balance as a very biblical idea. In fact in Revelations the scripture says,"Because you are lukewarm, and neither cold not hot, I will vomit you out of My Mouth."(Revelations 3:16)

I think that the world( not the Lord) wants us to be balanced so we don't rock their boats.

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